September/October F.A.R.M. Club Newsletter
The would like to welcome
all of the new members to the F.A.R.M. Club. We had 62 new members sign
up at the show. I would also like to thank the Miles Greenwood Historical
Fire Apparatus Society and the American Truck Historical Society (Cincinnati
Chapter) for coming to our show. You were a great addition. Larry would
like to thank everyone who helped make the show a huge success.
The Club calendars are in and will be sold at our next meeting. They are
$12.00 and quantities are limited.
Roger Walker made a DVD from our 2014 show. If you would like more
information about it please contact Roger at 513-256-5803.
Dave Brown would like to have a plow day at his place, 2300 Lebanon Rd. on
October 24th at 10:00am. He will provide lunch at noon. Please call
Dave at 513-292-5937 or 513-932-4433 for more information.
The Club is looking for a new announcers stand. If anyone knows of one,
please contact Jim Hurst at 513-623-4183,
For those of you that were unable to come to the show and register for the
2015/2016 membership, please send your membership dues of $20.00 to 611 Paxton
Ave., Loveland, Ohio 45140. Make checks payable to the FARM Club.
Our Club Christmas party is December 12th at the Urbancrest
Baptist Church in Lebanon. Please print off the RSVP form on our website,, fill it out and send it to the address on the form along
with your payment.
Our next Club meeting is Sunday November 1st at 6:00 pm at the Warren County
Fairgrounds. I hope to see everyone there.
Regina- Club Secretary